Arrival & Hotel Check-In |
Evening |
Informal Get-together |
08:30 |
Registration |
09:00 |
Welcome address: Reinhard Lipowsky (MPI-KG)
Session: Formation of biomimetic micro-compartments and protocells
09:15 |
Keynote lecture: Stephen Mann (University of Bristol) |
10:00 |
Eberhard Bodenschatz: |
10:30 |
Group photo & coffee break |
11:00 |
Rumiana Dimova: |
11:30 |
Laura Thomi (Landfester group): |
12:00 |
Keynote lecture: Bartosz Lewandowski (ETH Zürich): |
12:30 |
Session: Mimicry of life processes in biomimetic micro-compartments |
13:45 |
Keynote lecture: David Weitz (Harvard University): |
14:30 |
Titus Franzmann (Hyman Group): |
15:00 |
Philippe Bastiaens: |
15:30 |
Joachim Spatz: |
16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:30 |
Keynote lecture: Tobias Erb (MPI Marburg): |
17:00 |
Judita Mascarenhas (Sourjik Group): |
17:30 |
Michael Mangold: |
18:00 |
Junior Research group contribution 2 |
20:00 |
Session Cluster D: Ethical aspects of Synthetic Biology |
21:00 |
Peter Dabrock (Vice-Chair of the German Ethics Council):
Session: Non-equilibrium processes in biomimetic micro-compartments |
09:00 |
Lei Kai (Schwille Group): |
09:30 |
Ivan Ivanov (Sundmacher Group): |
10:00 |
Junior Research group contribution 1 |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Junior Research group contribution 3 |
11:30 |
Junior Research group contribution 4 |
12:00 |
Lunch/Departure |