A cloud for MaxSynBio

Download, upload, share and manage common data with other MaxSynBio partners using the OwnCloud services provided by the GWDG.

Members of the MaxSynBio networks can download, upload, share and manage files with everyone within MaxSynBio via the ownCloud services provided by the GWDG (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH):


For logging-in please click on the arrow next to the password. Don't use the "Shibboleth" button.

Data is organized in different levels of confidentiality:

  • folders available to everyone
  • folders available only to project leaders
  • folders available only to the steering committee
  • folders available only to the coordination office

First time access

Members of the following institutes can login directly into the GWDG ownCloud using their mpi-e-mail-address and corresponding password:

  • Dortmund MPI-P
  • Dresden MPI-CBG
  • Mainz MPI-P

Members of all other institutions including Friedrich-Alexander-University and University of Bordeaux have to register first with GWDG:


Once you have logged into the GWDG ownCloud notify Jakob Schweizer of the MaxSynBio coordination office by mail with the subject "owncloud" and you will gain access to the MaxSynBio repository.

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