Bernd Ctortecka, Max Planck Innovation GmbH
Bernd Ctortecka, expert for patenting at Max Planck Innovation GmbH, will give an introduction to patenting and will assess your innovation ideas.
Since 2002 Dr. Bernd Ctortecka is Patent & License Manager for technology transfer in the chemistry, physics and technology section, as well as for the know-how transfer of software from the Max Planck Innovation GmbH. He began his career in banking and studied physics at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg i.Br. and at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK afterwards. He completed his studies with a thesis on NMR studies of superconductors. Dr. Ctortecka wrote his doctoral thesis on comparative studies of metal sites in copper proteins with synthetic macromolecules at the Faculty of Physics at Leipzig University, including regular stays at the isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN, Geneva, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland, and the Chalmers University Gothenburg. One aspect of the PSI collaboration was the development of a radio pharmacon based on the isotope 111Ag. Subsequently, he worked in a Munich-based patent law firm and became internal key account manager at Infineon Technologies AG.