Ulrich Kettling, Cevec Pharmaceuticals

Ulrich Kettling, Cevec Pharmaceuticals

Ulrich Kettling is an experienced biotechnology innovator and executive. He is responsible for Business Development at Cevec Pharmaceuticals.

Ulrich Kettling is an experienced biotechnology innovator and executive. He is responsible for Business Development at Cevec Pharmaceuticals, focusing on glycoproteins and gene therapy vectors. Before, he was Head of Market Segment Enzymes, Clariant; Head of R&D Biotechnology, Clariant; Global Director Biotechnology and Biorefinieries at Süd-Chemie; Chief Scientific Officer at Direvo Biotech. He graduated in Biotechnology at the Technical University Braunschweig, and did a Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen.

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