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Latest articles, information and stories around MaxSynBio
We have now opened the Synthetic and Systems Biology conference entitled
Design, Build, Test, Learn.
July 2019
We have compiled a collection of 12 articles in a special issue in Advanced Biosystems published this June. 42 authors from 8 different Max Planck and associated Universities from the Max Planck Synthetic Biology Network have contributed to this issue.
For his master thesis
Vesicles-On-A-Chip: A novel microfluidic-based method for the generation of giant unilamellar vesicles Sebastian López Castellanos was awarded for his outstanding scientific contributions as young scientist.
"Life from the Biological Construction Kit". An article (in German) by Silvia von der Weiden
The University of Bristol and the Max Planck Society have jointly founded an innovative new Max Planck Bristol Centre for Minimal Biology.