MaxSynBio Symposium Magdeburg 2018
2-4 July 2018, Magdeburg. An international symposium on bottom-up synthetic biology with presentations from scientists of MaxSynBio, international guest speakers and soccer!
From far away to here - From here further on: Synthetic Biology!
11 talks by MaxSynBio, 8 guest presentations, satellite sessions and poster sessions and we have even thought of the soccer world championship!
Besides speakers from MaxSynBio we will have international guest speakers and speakers from the Center for Dynamics Systems in Magdeburg.
Festung Mark Magdeburg: An ancient fortress in the proximity of the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg, university campus and the river Elbe.
We have pre-reservations for three hotels, all located in Magdeburg's city center, close to each other, main station and public transportation.
The scientific program is supervised by project leaders and team leaders of MaxSynBio.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding your registration, hotel booking and other issues.
Deadline for early bird registration and poster abstract submission is 18 June.