Eberhard Bodenschatz
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen
Keynote Speaker for MaxSynBio

More information coming soon.
Bodenschatz Group on MaxSynBio Website
Keynote Presentation: Building synthetic cilia and flagella
Session "Signalling & Motility" | Tuesday, 30 Nov 20:30 - 21:00
Abstract: I shall report on our experimental work to build synthetic cilia or flagella from the bottom up. These Synthonems, as we call them, are being designed to to give synthetic cells, possibly chemotactic, electrotactic, or phototactic motility, or to allow synthetic cells or synthetic tissues to directionally transport fluid and with them signaling molecules and cargo. In addition, Synthonems can be used to stir fluid in cellular like containers where they brake the diffusion barrier. This work would not be possible without Dr. Azam Gholami and Dr. Isabella Guido and our collaborators.