#05 - Life at the water-air interface
Dieter Braun (Ludwing-Maximilians-University, Munich)
Tuesday, 01 Dec 21:15 - 22:00 CET
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Title: Life at the water-air interface
Author(s): Dieter Brauna
Affiliations: aLMU Munich
Abstract: We study oligonucleotides at water-air interface. If subjected to a moderate temperature difference, a long list of crucial reactions for early life forms are catalyzed by this setting. It is driven by droplet dynamics, pH oscillations, salt oscillations, coffee-ring effects, accumulation at the interface and wet-dry cycles. We observed protein-driven replication at temperatures 20K below the melting temperature of the strands and found recombination of sequences under these conditions. The ultimate goal is to test the setting for both the emergence of life and for cell-free systems.